These AMAZING FOODS are well-known to quicken flu recovery

Flu is a viral illness which affects the respiratory system. It can be severe, resulting in fevers, chills, sore throat and muscle pains. The details of flu are in another post. In this post, we look at the foods to help flu symptoms. For more on healthy foods go here.

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There are certain foods which you can eat or drink if you don't want flu to get serious. These foods have agents that help reduce the severity of the disease and are as follows:

1. Chicken soup and flu

This dish is served hot and has anti-inflammatory properties. These help fight flu hence prevent it's complications. The steam from the soup helps ease congestion in the respiratory airways allowing you to breathe better. The salt also relieves the discomfort on the throat. It also has anti-bacterial properties hence reduces the risk of secondary bacterial throat infection. Lastly, the soup also keeps you hydrated.

2. Garlic and flu

This popular herb prevents you from getting sick, and reduces the duration of the illness if you happen to get sick. For those who get flu frequently, include garlic in your diet.

3. Vitamin C and flu

Although it's a controversial issue, Vitamin C is part of the arsenal that can help prevent flu and reduce the duration of the illness. Vitamin C is found in fresh fruits and vegetables. It can also be taken as a supplement. You can order your supplements here.

Broccoli also has a high concentration of Vitamin C. One research showed that regular consumption of broccoli reduces the chances of getting flu.

4. Yoghurt and flu

Yoghurt contains good bacteria which stimulates the immune system. This helps fight off the flu and reduce the duration.

Now you know the type of foods to help with flu. To find out how you can protect yourself from getting flu or how you can reduce its transmission, read this article.
