Stay alert in winter! Use this hack to PREVENT CATCHING A FLU

Flu is a viral illness that affects the upper respiratory tract. It is different from a common cold because the two are caused by different viruses. In this post we look at how you get flu and how to prevent it. If want to know which foods you eat when you get infected, there is an article written on that.

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Symptoms of flu

If you have flu you experience symptoms like:
  • Cough

  • Sore throat

  • Fever

  • Running nose

  • Headache

  • Chills

  • Fatigue

  • General body aches

How to prevent getting flu

There are ways in which you can prevent getting flu. Knowing how you can get flu is important to understanding how you can prevent it. You get flu by coming into contact with infected respiratory droplets either via:
  1. Direct inhalation of the droplets when someone breathes, coughs or sneezes

  2. Contact of bodily fluids through kissing

  3. Touching someone with the virus e.g. shaking hands then touching your mouth, nose or eyes
Therefore in order to prevent contracting the virus you apply these strategies:

1. Avoid close contact with someone who has flu e.g. kissing

2. Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water

3. Make use of hand sanitizers formulated to kill viruses. I regularly use a formulation with 0.5% chlorhexidine gluconate in 70% alcohol. No virus will stand that.

4. Encourage those with flu to cover their nose and mouth when coughing or sneezing. The best way will be to cough/sneeze into a hankie or into the elbow, not covering the mouth with hands.

5. Get an annual flu shot to boost the immune system so that you don't get it

6. You can take anti-viral medication to prevent getting flu

If you find the flu getting worse, you see a Doctor so that there are no complications. Importantly, the above ways also reduce the spread of flu if you get infected. Therefore, if you have flu or you don't want to get flu, now you know what has to be done. For more articles on maintaining good health go here.