This article should be read together with another related article on how to lose weight in order to have solid effective results. Belly fat can contribute to a rise in cholesterol in the body. In this post we look at how you can lose belly fat fast, putting you on a path to a healthier life. Make sure you grab a free eBook to help you in your journey.

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Causes of increased belly fat:

For us to do justice to the topic it's vital to look at what causes belly fat. If the body fails to break down the food we eat into energy, the excess food is converted into fat and deposited into the skin and other tissues. Fat deposition around the abdomen is common and this gives a bigger belly. However, there are habits that increase the changes of getting this belly fat and let's look at examples:

1. Excessive alcohol

You may have heard about the 'beer belly'. Once it starts to show and you know you are a guzzler, it's time to cut down on your drinking if you want the belly to subside.

2. Excessive refined carbohydrates

Sugary foods like cakes, donuts, biscuits, sweets dump a lot of calories in your body and the excess is converted to fats which are stored in the belly.

3. Lack of exercise

If you have a habit of watching TV the whole day eating popcorn your body has no way to burn the excess calories you'll be ingesting. Sometimes you have to walk to the shops, not drive all the time to promote activity of the body. Watch a video on exercises to get started.

4. Hereditary

Some have genes that put them at risk of developing more belly fat. There is need to be proactive and exercise regularly to keep the calories under control.

5. Sex

Women tend to develop belly fat due to hormonal changes that may occur during phases like menopause.

6. Pregnancy

Pregnancy causes a natural significant weight gain and after delivery if the excess weight is not shed off it may cause problems. This also leads to increased belly fat.

7. Contraceptives

Some contraceptives like the pill, injectables, hormonal implants cause weight gain and this causes increased belly fat.

How do you lose the belly fat?

Now that we have looked at the common ways to gain belly fat let's look at how you can lose it. Some of the ways are obvious if you look at the causes. Here's the list:

1. Cut down on alcohol intake

2. Exercise regularly to burn off excessive fat as outlined in this article.

3. Avoid high sugary foods and beverages

4. Switch to non-hormonal contraceptives if possible like barrier contraceptives and tubal ligation

5. Manage stress in a healthy way. Stress causes a havoc of stress hormones in the body which can lead to undesirable effects like weight gain hence increase in belly fat.

These are the ways you can reduce belly fat and ultimately have that body you desire.

To calculate you BMI go to this page.