Use these 2 no nonsense strategies to LOSE WEIGHT effectively

The current trend in diet has seen people consuming more starchy, sugary and fatty foods which in turn leads to all sorts of cardiovascular diseases and obesity. Unfortunately, obesity is easy to get, but losing excess weight requires a great deal of commitment. However, a significant number of people want a quick, easy way to lose weight but results are disappointing and some end up spending lots of money buying concoctions that may even pose a health risk. Fear not! In this post, I will shed light on how to lose weight fast in a healthy and sustainable manner. There is a video on exercises you can do indoors. Make sure you check it out.

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2 main strategies to lose weight

Losing weight has been studied and published in research articles. Importantly, controlling diet alone without putting in the work won't bring satisfactory results because increased physical activity promotes the breaking down of fat.  Therefore, for effective weight loss, you need to apply the following strategies:

  1. Regular exercise/physical activity

  2. Dietary control

A. Exercise

1. Don't rely too much on gurus

Gurus may say whatever they say about weight loss but if the regimen does not include exercise that regimen will only apply to a few individuals. This is a case where you buy a DVD detailing how you can lose weight without emphasis on exercise and sadly, you find yourself getting more and more disappointed. Dietary control alone will not get you there fast and you will be in motion, not progress.

2. Do aerobic exercises

Exercise helps burn calories and ultimately get rid of excess weight. It doesn't have to be a rigorous exercise but if you can run, jog, skip a rope for at least 30 minutes each day for most of the days of the week (>4 days/week), you'll be light years ahead of someone who is only focusing on diet without exercise. The goal is to carry out a regular consistent activity that increases your heart rate, makes you sweat. These are aerobic exercises or cardio,  and that doesn't cost much but commitment is the only key.

3. Other benefits of exercises

Apart from weight loss, there are other benefits that come with exercise and these include:

  • boost in confidence

  • good sleep quality

  • reduced risk of diseases

  • good heart and lung function

  • stronger bones and muscles

  • reduced incidence of chronic health

Make sure you include cardio in you routine if you are serious about losing weight fast.

4. Exercises to avoid/limit

There are exercise you have to steer clear from if you want effective weight loss. Some pose a risk of injury especially if you are out of shape and not flexible. These exercises include:

  • Crossfit exercises - There is risk of injury.

  • Yoga - Not much benefit in weight loss.

  • Nonstop workout - Only makes you hungry and temptation to eat more is high.

  • Very light exercises - Not much benefit and only small amounts of calories are burnt.

5. Exercises to focus on

These are some of the popular exercises that promote weight loss fast. You get the heart rate up quickly and muscles burn the calories effectively:

  • Swimming

  • Cycling

  • Jumping rope

  • Climbing stairs

  • Rowing

  • Moderate running
These exercises are the cornerstone of losing weight as they put the body in a catabolic mode. Consequently, bad fat is broken down and flushed out of the system. When you do the process right, the results will amaze you.

B. Dietary control

This is the second piece of the puzzle. There are types of food to avoid or limit, if you want to lose weight fast. Starchy, sugary and fatty foods add more calories to the body and if you're struggling with weight, these foods are the enemy. Instead, you should focus on plant products like fruits and vegetables, it's as simple as that. Unfortunately, cravings for junk foods make people relapse and continue eating foods known to cause obesity.

1. Eat bulk foods

Fruits and vegetables contain a lot of bulk and you feel full faster than when eating junk food because dietary fiber contained in those foods is indigestible, unlike proteins and sugars in other foods. If you want to lose weight these are the foods you have to eat. They have other health benefits as well, for example, anti-oxidants in fruits to help curb cancers and aging.

2. Drink lots of water

An empty stomach triggers hunger and depleted water content in the body triggers thirst, the latter through a complex system involving the kidneys. Don't confuse the two (hunger and thirst). If you are thirsty you need to administer water. Don't take any sugary beverage like a juice as the calories will contribute to weight gain. Drinking lots of water regularly also reduces the cravings for food.

Alcohol causes weight gain and also dehydrates the body. Cutting down on the nights out will go a long way in realizing your goal of weight loss. Consequently, that means less hangover. A hangover causes so much discomfort such that you are tempted to eat any food you crave for, and that includes junk food.

3. Read food labels

It's common that when people shop for food items, they don't bother to read the caloric content. If you want to lose weight fast, it's high time you start paying attention to food labels. Some foods are packed with insane amounts of fat and carbohydrates like fats, spreads and oils. Nowadays some manufacturers put special labels for those who are weight conscious. I'm sure you have seen food products with a 'fat-free' label. In that vein it's nice to know the fat free foods you can consume:

4. Fat free foods for weight loss

  • fresh produce - fruits and vegetables

  • grains like bran cereal, rice and wheat

  • condiments like soy sauce, mustard and ketchup

5. Don't be too hard on yourself

Contrary to popular belief, losing weight does not mean adopting unhealthy eating habits like skipping meals.  If you skip your breakfast the temptation to eat snacks will be high. Snacks contain lots of calories.  A single sitting of chips and chicken reverses the gains of your weight loss regimen. Meals should be regular to curb food cravings. An occasional treat here and there is OK but keep your eyes on the prize. There are even low-calorie wines you can enjoy!

Final words

Now you know the importance of exercise and the need for good dietary control. Knowledge is power and as long as you apply the strategies above you are good to go. Get a small notebook to keep monthly weights.

Losing weight is ultimately beneficial and nothing stops you from reaching your goal! To calculate you BMI go to this page.