Time to say bye to HEARTBURN for good! Top celebrities use this

Heartburn is a burning sensation you feel in chest behind the sternum caused by reflux of acid into the esophagus. A more chronic condition is called GERD (gastro-esophageal reflux disease). It causes a great deal of discomfort and in this article we look at the perfect heartburn reliever that works.

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1. Lose weight

If you're overweight or obese this raises the pressure in the abdomen and cause recurrent reflux of acid hence heartburn. For you to lose weight refer to my article on how to lose weight here.

2. Avoid tight clothing

By a similar mechanism tight attire on your abdomen restricts the movement of the abdomen while breathing. Consequently, this raises the intra-abdominal pressure and increases reflux.

3. Take medications

Medications like antacids help neutralize the acid in the stomach hence the inflammation it causes is reduced. Some may be put on a long course of medication like proton-pump inhibitors that reduce acidity.

4. Cut down on alcohol

It's well known that alcohol raises acidity in the stomach. When you drink a lot of booze, more the acid is secreted and the risk of heartburn is increased.

5. Avoid foods you know trigger heartburn

If you know of foods that trigger heartburn you have to avoid those foods. For example, foods like beans, fatty foods, spicy foods, citrus fruits, chocolate, coffee may trigger heatburn in some people.

6. Lie propped up

When you are asleep try to lie propped up with several pillows so that gravity works in your favour to minimise reflux and heartburn.

7. Avoid large meals just before you sleep

After consuming a meal, acid is secreted in the stomach to help digest the food. This means 30 min to 1 hour after a meal there will be a large volume of acid in the stomach so chances of reflux will be high. Therefore, lying down will worsen the problem as explained in number 6.

If you follow the above steps you'll feel much better. However should the problem persist you have to see your Doctor. This combination of methods is the perfect heartburn reliever.