If you have been following the news, am sure you have come accross articles on hydroxychloroquine as a drug to treat COVID-19. This drug is an analogue of chloroquine, which means it is an anti-malarial. It is administered orally and has multiple side effects which include muscle weakness, nausea, vomiting and abdominal discomfort. W.H.O. considers hydroxychloroquine an essential drug and it has been around for more than 70 years, fighting the malaria burden worldwide. In addition, it has anti-inflammatory properties hence its use in managing inflammatory disorders like rheumatoid arthritis.
Enough Pharmacology! What is the link between hydroxy-chloroquine and COVID-19? The short answer is, results are inconclusive at the moment. Remember malaria is caused by a parasite and COVID-19 is caused by SARS-COV-2 (a virus), which are very different pathogens. What gave rise to the claims is that laboratory studies demonstrated that hydroxychloroquine hinders the replication of the SARS virus, which is closely related to corovirus causing COVID-19 (SARS-COV-2). The idea of repurposing existing medication is something which has several advantages which include:
Enough Pharmacology! What is the link between hydroxy-chloroquine and COVID-19? The short answer is, results are inconclusive at the moment. Remember malaria is caused by a parasite and COVID-19 is caused by SARS-COV-2 (a virus), which are very different pathogens. What gave rise to the claims is that laboratory studies demonstrated that hydroxychloroquine hinders the replication of the SARS virus, which is closely related to corovirus causing COVID-19 (SARS-COV-2). The idea of repurposing existing medication is something which has several advantages which include:
- Known mechanism of action
- Known side effects
- Cheaper to manufacture
- Good availability
However, the urge to come up with a remedy fast may result in complacency. Evidence shows that the SARS virus described above has a 20% difference in genetic material from SARS-COV-2. This means we shouldn't rush to assume that hydroxychloroquine will work in both viruses the same way. Long-term use of the drug also gives rise to serious side effects like cardiac arrest and visual disturbances.
At the moment, there are clinical trials being done, with UK being the latest to commence the process. This international trial assesses the efficacy of both chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine in treatment of COVID-19. This means Mr Trump, the US President will also be part of the study as he is now on week 2 taking the prophylaxis. Trump came out praising the drugs and admitted that he is on preventive treatment despite warnings of possible serious side effects. So far, some of the study results which were published have gaps, either poor controls or small sample sizes. However, promising results were from China and France, but they showed no significant benefits for patient's recovery rate.
In conclusion, the pressure to find a miracle cure is palpable, but science has to provide guidance so that we don't create new problems. Let's hope the UK international study comes up with conclusive evidence so that we move past this dark episode. Read about CDC guidelines on opening schools here. If you are monitoring your weight, start here.
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