Tie a tie knot, EYES SHUT VIDEO!

At some point in life you may want to wear a neck tie and you are not sure how you tie it. If you browse the internet you will find there are many ways to tie the knot which adds to the confusion. Here we look at how you tie common neck tie knots. There is even a video! You can confidently share the techniques with your colleagues. Don't forget to read on how you can grow a perfect beard here.

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I found this video online which shows how to go about it. It's easier if you have a visual demonstration as you can always pause and rewind if you are getting lost. Thanks to Aaron Marino for the video. You can visit his channel for more similar videos on fashion by clicking here.

To excite your interest there are several types of knots used in a neck tie. We will find out how to tie the first 4 knots. I will not go into details about each one but the list is as follows:
  1. Four-In-Hand Knot

  2. Half Windsor Knot

  3. Full Windsor Knot

  4. Nicky Knot

  5. Bow-Tie Knot

  6. Kelvin Knot

  7. Oriental Knot

  8. Pratt Knot

  9. St Andrew Knot

  10. Balthus Knot

  11. Hanover Knot

  12. Plattsburgh Knot

  13. Grantchester Knot

  14. Victoria Knot

  15. Cafe Knot

  16. Eldredge Knot

  17. Trinity Knot

  18. Christensen Knot
However there are 4 knots that you ought to learn as there are the most common. It's no use to memorize 10 ways to tie a tie unless there is a competition for that. The best is to learn how to tie the common knots or the one you like. There are factors which determine which knot to use. These are:

1. Type of face

The type of face determines which shirt you are going to wear. It can either be a shirt with a spread collar, point collar or medium collar

Slim face

If you have a slim face you need to wear a spread collar. T. A Half or Full Windsor knot is ideal for that.

Round face

For a round face you need to wear a shirt with a point collar. This is the most common type of collar on men's shirts. Here a Four-in-Hand knot suits the collar well.

Oval face

An oval face is obviously in the middle and the bet thing can either choose either of the options above, provided you combine the corresponding collar and knot.

2. Occassion

Social setting

If you are out with your friends, you need to wear something more relaxed. A narrow collar will do, but you need to consider the facial appearance as well.

Business setting

A fatter knot appears more professional with a spread collar. Even if you have a thin face, you go for a Half-Windsor knot to look more professional.

3. Type of fabric

Thicker fabrics with wool or similar material are best for Half or Full Windsor knots. However, thin fabrics are best for Four-in-Hand knot.

Now that you're empowered you can confidently tie a neck tie. Leave a comment and like us on Facebook.