Learn how to cook SADZA in Southern Africa. It's easy!

Sadza is a meal prepared using mealie meal (ground dry white maize/corn) and water. It is served as a starch with any preferred relish. With the right recipe, sadza is a very good source of starch and provides energy needs to the body. Here we look at how you make prepare African sadza from start to finish. Don't forget to look at 10 delicious foods in Zimbabwe.

What you need including the ingredients

There are ingredients that you need before you prepare sadza and you also need a few utensils to get things done. The list is as follows:
  • White refined mealie-meal/ground corn

  • Hot and cold water

  • Cooking stick

  • Small cooking bowl

  • Stove

  • Large spoon

The process of cooking sadza

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1. Make sure the stove is hot

2. Mix mealie-meal in a medium-sized pot with a little water

3. Stir to make a paste

4. Add boiling water to the pot and keep on stirring so that lumps don't form

5. Keep stirring until it's boiling like magma (kukwata in Shona). If you find that it's too watery make a paste, in a bowl, of mealie-meal and cold water and add bit by bit to the boil until it's like boiling lava :)

6. Leave it to boil like that for about 15 minutes

7. Then add mealie-meal bit by bit to the pot while stirring. It should start to thicken and keep on adding mealie meal until it gets to a consistency you want. However, you should not add too much mealie-meal as it will become too thick, a phenomenon called 'chidhina' or brick :) . Mildly thick sadza is good and easily digested.

8. Once you have finished you can serve the sadza with your relish. Use a large spoon to scoop dolops of sadza and serve on a plate. On one side of the plate you have your sadza and on the other side your relish, which can be beef stew or mixed vegetables. Yummy!


Sadza is a staple diet in Zimbabwe and very central in the main meals prepared at all levels. Try the recipe and leave comments below. That is how you prepare African sadza easily and with consistent results every time. Don't worry, if you are watching your weight and you think sadza will affect your routine, read this article to know the basics of keeping weight under control.